On 21-23 May, as part of the implementation of the Monetary and Credit Policy Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025 and the approved training program for the retraining of employees of the central (national) banks of the Eurasian Council for 2024 a training seminar was held in the Educational Center of the National Bank of Tajikistan in the city of Guliston on the topic "Liquidity projection of the banking system to implement the effectiveness of monetary policy". The representatives of the central (national) banks of the republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan took part in the training sessions.
The seminar's goal was to share experience, learn about the banking system's liquidity and the proper ways of implementation, and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation among central banks.
During the sessions, specialists from the Monetary Policy, Research and Development Department of the National Bank of Tajikistan and representatives of other central banks presented detailed information on the promotion of monetary policy, including the operational structure of monetary policy, the mechanism of liquidity projection of the banking system, interbank market indicators, sharing experience in the process of transition to inflationary targeting,
Participants also discussed the issues covered at the seminar, such as the use of monetary policy tools and their impact on monetary and macroeconomic indicators, as well as the importance of the banking system's liquidity projection mechanism.
It should be noted that the liquidity projection mechanism includes the process of assessing the level of credit financial institutions liquidity for the near future (short term), based on which constantly operating monetary instruments are used to ensure the stability of the amount of money in credit financial institutions, to prevent monetary inflationary factors and exchange rate pressures.
Finally, the National Bank of Tajikistan presented all participants with certificates for their active participation in training sessions.
Monetary Policy, Research and Development Department
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